Elk voorjaar trekken niet alleen kikkers en padden, maar ook salamanders naar hun voortplantingswateren. Tijdens…

EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) heeft een gratis online cursus over Bsal ontwikkeld. Deze bestaat uit 4 modules, en richt zich op de epidemiologie van de schimmel, de veterinaire aspecten, preventie en de in situ en ex situ uitdagingen rond de conservatie. Registreren kan hier.

We proudly announce the launch of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) focused on Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal)!
This e-course, divided in four modules, allows participants to learn at their own pace about the epidemiology of the fungus, the veterinary aspects, prevention as well as the in situ and ex situ conservation challenges:
Bsal: its origin, distribution, risk for biodiversity and mitigation actions
Veterinary measures: how to recognize Bsal in the lab and in the field and how to treat and prevent it
Ex situ conservation: when and how to initiate ex situ conservation, information on husbandry guidelines is provided and on chytrid conservation projects
Call to Action: How to make conservation management decisions with uncertainties, and which research questions can and should be addressed urgently?
If interested, please register here and do not hesitate to contact bsal@eaza.net for any questions about the MOOC.A grant to aid development of the MOOC was gratefully received from the Morris Animal Foundation.
Met dank aan Sergé Bogaerts voor het melden