Nieuwe soort wormsalamander ontdekt.

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Disarming Discovery

Photograph courtesy S.D. Biju

They aren't worms or even snakes. They're soil-burrowing, limbless amphibians, and they're completely new to science, a new study suggests.

Pictured guarding a brood of eggs in its native northeastern India, the animal above is one of about six potentially new species belonging to a mysterious group of animals called caecilians. What's more, the newfound critters represent an entirely new family of amphibians—family being the next major level up from genus and species in scientific naming conventions—according to findings announced today by the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Christened Chikilidae ("Chikila" being a local tribal name for caecilians), the family's closest relatives live more than 7,000 miles (11,265 kilometers) away in tropical Africa, the study team reported.

(Photos: Rainbow Hues of Amphibian 'Worms' Demystified.")

—James Owen

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Niels D

Zag het idd op caudata. Vooral die eieren spreken tot de verbeelding.
Paramesotriton deloustali/Pseudotriton ruber schenckii/Siren lacertina/Laotriton laoensis/Tylototriton Yangi/Paramesotriton sp "Roter Warzenmolch"/Paramesotriton chinensis/Paramesotriton guanxiensis/Triturus macedonicus (Metsovo)/Tylototriton verrucosus/Cynops ensicauda popei (South Okinawa)/Triturus dobrobicus (Orth an der Donau)/Triturus karelinii (Katech)/Cynops orientalis/Pleurodeles waltl


Prachtig mooi dier, inderdaad heel mooi die eieren!
F1 Cynops ensicauda popei (Hiji rivier N-Okinawa)
F2 Cynops ensicauda popei (Zamami eiland)
F1 Cynops ensicauda popei (kustgebied Z-Okinawa)
F1 Cynops ensicauda ensicauda (Amami-Oshima)
F1 Cynops pyrrhogaster (Hoigawa-shi, Niigata prefectuur)
F2 Cynops pyrrhogaster (Kanagawa prefectuur)
F2 Cynops pyrrhogaster (Mie prefectuur)
F1 Cynops pyrrhogaster (Hiroshima prefectuur)
F1 Cynops pyrrhogaster (Hyogo prefectuur)     
F1 Cynops pyrrhogaster sasayamae (Yubara, Okayama prefectuur)
CB Cynops cyanurus (Wuding, Chuxiong, Yunnan, China)
F1 Cynops fudingensis (Fuding northeastern Fujian)
WC Cynops orientalis (Hubei province, China)
CB Paramesotriton hongkongensis (Tai Tam HongKong Island )
WC/F1 Pachytriton sp.

CB Xenopus laevis albino en wildkleur

Poecilia wingei:
Campoma Rio Oro 2006, Class-N
Cumana Silverado, Class-N
Campoma Blue Star, Class-N
Campoma El Tigre, Class-N
Red Top Yellow Sword, ECS Stam Nr.: N - 98-0021
Black Bar, ECS Stam Nr.: N-98-0003
Red Chest, ECS Stam Nr.: N-98-0010

Poecilia reticulata:
Pasaje, Ecuador, 2005 Max Sparreboom
Rio Tefe, Brazilie, 1999, Hariolf Rieger
Rio picota, Colombia
Cayenne, Frans Guyana

Thibaut Vds

Ik heb dit artikel deze morgen ook gevonden.
A. californiense / A. mavortium mavortium / P. waltl


ik had het een paar dagen terug al gelezen op
Kevin Naeff

Tylototriton, Ommatotriton, Triturus, Neurergus