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Ik heb een tijdje geleden vernomen dat wanneer N.crocatus volwassen worden, er grote problemen optreden.

Zie het volgende bericht:

During the development to adulthood, there are often major problems at a certain point in development. Shortly before reaching sexual maturity, the subadults suddenly become very weak, get sick, and usually 100% of them die in a few weeks. The cause for this is unclear. It is possible that in this phase, a hormonal change in the total physiology of the animals is accompanied by a temporary immune weakness. The Aeromonas infections that have been diagnosed in these cases were caused by germs that ordinarily wouldn't harm the animals. Macroscopic symptoms on the dead animals, if visible at all, are slightly bloodshot spots on the undersides of the feet. The animals will usually be found dead in the setup without any externally-recognizable cause. It is usually too late to initiate treatment for the remaining animals. The infections have not been known to spread to other salamanders.

In this way, the author has twice lost his complete batch of offspring of N. crocatus (8 and/or 14 animals). On a third occasion, the animals were isolated from one another at the first signs of this illness and kept for several weeks on paper towels soaked with a wide spectrum antibiotic solution, changed every three days. For 4 of the 6 animals, the aid came too late, but 2 survived under these conditions, showing no further symptoms and reaching adulthood without problems.

Because this phenomenon happened in a similar manner to a number of keepers under somewhat different conditions, this seems to be a specific characteristic of N. crocatus. Up to now, most captive bred offspring have fallen victim. In the future, special attention will be dedicated to this problem!


Omdat er nu vol op nakweek in onze hobbie te vinden is. Vind ik het geen slecht idee om alvast na te gaan denken over hoe ieder dit gaat aanpakken. En of dit wel aan te pakken is. Ideeen, ervaringen alles is welkom lijkt me !