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Een zonne-salamander

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Coen Deurloo

De Ambystoma maculatum maakt gebruik van een mooie samenwerking:

CiteerPhotosynthetic algae have been found inside the cells of a vertebrate for the first time.

Occasionally, researchers stumble across something extraordinary in a system that has been studied for decades.

Ryan Kerney of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, did just that while looking closely at a clutch of emerald-green balls — embryos of the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum). He noticed that their bright green colour comes from within the embryos themselves, as well as from the jelly capsule that encases them.

Lees meer: Nature News

Willem Meilink

Dit is echt zo koel. Toch is het niet zo dat een salamander dan niet meer hoeft te eten, maar wel minder. Salamanders blijven me verbazen.