Koude periode T. dobrogicus van start

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Coen Deurloo

Nu het (voorlopig) niet meer vriest, heb ik mijn T. dobrogicus groep in een buitenaquarium gezet, netjes afgesloten met horregaas en wat stenen op de bovenkant. In de bak zelf heb ik wat waterplanten uit de vijver en een flink stuk hout dat uit ht water steekt gezet. Dit stond al 2 weken zo zonder de T. dobrogicus erin. Nu zijn de eerst 3 vrouwtjes erin en zodra ik de rest te pakken krijg (ze verstoppen zich) gaan deze ook in het water.

Heeft iemand nog adviezen voor dit buitenaquarium?

Andy W.

Hi Coen....

I guess you would like to get them breading soon.....don´t ye ?  ;)
T. dobrogicus likes (as T.cristatus and T.marmoratus) a "special" temperature to come in breading condition. We will get in western Europe freezing nights during the next weeks. So, if you don´t want to get frozen Dobrogicus and want to get them in breading condition, ad a low temperated glow bar. Give them a temperature of 18°-19°C and you will see, how fast they will reach breading condition ;)

Greetings, Andy

Coen Deurloo

Citaat van: Andy Waldmann op februari 21, 2007, 01:35:30 PM
Hi Coen....

I guess you would like to get them breading soon.....don´t ye ?  ;)
T. dobrogicus likes (as T.cristatus and T.marmoratus) a "special" temperature to come in breading condition. We will get in western Europe freezing nights during the next weeks. So, if you don´t want to get frozen Dobrogicus and want to get them in breading condition, ad a low temperated glow bar. Give them a temperature of 18°-19°C and you will see, how fast they will reach breading condition ;)

Greetings, Andy

Thanks for the advice Andy, but they have been in that exact same temperature for months here, but no breeding yet. There was some sort of a start, but the male never fully developed it's breeding attire and the females didn't became fully gravid. Harry suggested that I gave them a colder period outside and then place them inside again. When it will freeze, I'll put them inside again. The forecast doesn't show any freezing here though.


I also have this problem with my T.dobrogicus Coen.
I had them months at 18°-19°C, and the male fully developed it's breeding attire. But at one sort of way the female doesn't seem to look intressted at the male. He was performing a mating ritual, but the female didn't look at it.

So how could i get them to lay eggs ?

Andy W.

How do you feed them ?

I´ve ascertained, that my Cristatus get better in breading condition, if I feed them earthworms instead of bloodworms. The crest of the male growed better, and the tail of the female became higher. Than it didn´t took a long time to their pairing  ;D

Maybe you can try that.....

Greetings, Andy

PS: The BEST food for them (BUT IN GERMANY FORBIDDEN) are pollywogs (tadpoles).


Coen Deurloo

I feed them a variety of food, I don't think this has anything to do with it (unless you only feed them one food item, I'd get depressed too ;) ).