Nieuwe Neurergus??

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Thank you for the info Sergè. :D



this of course is an actual problem! First let me say it is not possible to determine the species N. crocatus, microspilotus, derjugini only by their colour pattern. The pictures you show remind strongly to N. crocatus. But this is a weak statement not knowing their origin. All those black/yellow Neuergus have very different patterns from population to population.
(If you look straight to the mouth of N. crocatus you will find the whole lower jaw jellow. This is characteristic for the animals I have. I did not find this in other Neurergus but I cannot say if this is common in all populations.)
We have to be patient until we get the genetics.
Besides I by myself am a little sceptic if N. derjugini/microspilotus are really two species. As I heard first from Fleck I was convinced they found N. derjugini. But in Gersfeld I had a look at them. As I am one of the few who worked on N. microsilotus I know this species well and I could not find the difference to N. derjugini. This does not mean so much but I think we will have a suprise when the genetics are published.

Günter S


Hey Jeroen, leuk dat je meedenkt.
Is Salamanderland op de hoogte van het feit dat je zijn email online ging posten? Zo nee, doe dat dan even voor de volledigheid aub.


Nee dat niet. Ik heb hem verteld dat we in een discussie waren over dit onderwerp. Samen met de link van dit onderwerp. Het zal wel geen probleem zijn maar ik zal het hem wel even doorgeven en bedanken :).